Options: Community Feedback

Four boundary options have been introduced to the community for feedback. Information about in-person and online feedback opportunities can be found below, along with the materials that help to explain the options. Please consider responding to the survey (encuesta en español) to provide your feedback on the options.

CCS K-5 Rezoning Boundary Options

The links below will take you to various materials created to explain the four rezoning boundary options:

The presentation above reviews the overall rezoning process, the background data that has gone into the process, the four options, and next steps (providing feedback). Follow this link to view a static version of the presentation.

Follow this link to access the online locator. Enter your address into the box on the left and see the attendance boundary options for your address.

Follow this link to review the four rezoning boundary options. This options packet contains information on the current boundaries, along with maps and metrics for the four options. These packets will be provided to those who attend the community meetings. Options were created by the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee for Rezoning.

NEW! Follow this link to review additional details about the students moved in each option. These charts show the total number of students moved from each boundary and into the proposed boundary. These charts were requested by community members.

Follow the links below to view large maps with street names. These maps will be printed and available to review at the community meetings. Please note that the maps may take a few minutes to load.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4

Follow this link to review the areas of change for each option. These are the same change area maps within the presentation, just enlarged.

Translated Presentation Narratives:

Arabic معلومات عربية

Dari اطلاعات دری

Pashto پښتو معلومات

Spanish Información en español

Swahili Habari za Kiswahili

Get Involved

How to get involved: At the end of October, CCS will be hosting 3 community meetings, which are open to all. Community members are invited to come in and ask questions about the process and options, and provide feedback. These meetings are “open house” style, so please feel free to come when you’re able and stay as long as you are available. An online survey will also be made available to those who are unable to attend the meetings.

Rezoning Discussion Events:

  • Monday, October 28: Greenbrier, 5-7pm
  • Tuesday, October 29: Jackson-Via, 4-6pm
  • Wednesday, October 30: Summit, 5-7pm
  • Wednesday, November 6 (Zoom): 12-1:30pm (register here) and 6-7:30pm (register here)