Plan for Planning: This involves preparing for the rezoning process.
Background Data: Data pertaining to the geographies within the Charlottesville City Schools will be reviewed and analyzed throughout the process. Datasets pertaining to rezoning are available under the Resources section of this website.
Rezoning Committee: The Superintendent’s Advisory Committee for Rezoning is a group of CCS parents, community members, and staff, that will function as an advisory group throughout the process. Along with assisting with scenario creation, this group will also be reviewing community feedback, modifying scenarios, and providing input on the final recommendation.
Boundary Work-Sessions: This involves creating and reviewing boundary scenarios. Boundary scenarios will be created by the rezoning committee. The Staff Work Group for Rezoning will then review the scenarios and determine which scenarios will move forward in the process and be provided to the community for feedback. Boundary scenarios will be available for community review at the end of October.
Community Engagement: Along with keeping this website updated throughout this process, community meetings will be held in October for community members to speak with committee members, division staff, and the consultant about the boundary scenarios that are presented. A survey will also be available to those unable to attend.
Once the feedback has been compiled into a report, it will be provided to the rezoning committee. The rezoning committee will then assist with determining the recommendation. The recommendation will then be brought back to the community in a public hearing. During the public hearing, each area of change will be highlighted and stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide additional feedback about each area of change.
Board Discussion & Action: Once a recommendation is finalized, it will be presented to the School Board for discussion and action. We anticipate that the recommendation will be voted upon in January or February, 2025.