
This page will be updated with data sets, presentation slides, and other items as available.

September 5, 2024 Board Meeting Presentation: This presentation, given by CCS administrators, explains the upcoming rezoning process and status.

Background Data Packet: This document contains information related to the current state of the schools.

Residential Development Listing: This document provides additional details about the residential developments that are planned, proposed, approved, and under construction within the Division. (updated 12/2/2024)

October 18, 2024: Superintendent’s Advisory Committee for Rezoning Meeting Presentation: This presentation reviews the rezoning process, stakeholder roles, and background datasets. After the presentation, the committee then worked on creating boundary scenarios. The four boundary scenarios presented for community feedback were created by the rezoning committee.

December 7, 2024: Update to Board: This presentation was provided to the Board at their regularly scheduled meeting on December 7th. The presentation reviews the process, community feedback results (as of 12/2/24), and provides clarification on a few of the questions that we have been frequently receiving.

Please use the “Options: Community Feedback” tab on the left to find information about the 4 boundary scenarios that were provided to the community for feedback.