Map of Current MVUSD Elementary School Attendance Boundaries
Map of Current MVUSD Middle School Attendance Boundaries
Map of Current MVUSD High School Attendance Boundaries
Surveys and Applications
MVUSD Redistricting Criteria Survey (Closed October 7, 2024)
Thank you for your interest in the MVUSD Redistricting Criteria Survey. This survey is now closed. Results of the survey can be found in the Redistricting Advisory Committee No. 1 Presentation.
MVUSD Redistricting Committee Application (Closed September 16, 2024)
Applications have been reviewed and members for the MVUSD Redistricting Committee have been selected. The MVUSD Redistricting Advisory Committee held its first meeting on October 7, 2024.
Official Options Survey
The official options survey was released on December 10, 2024 to allow the community to provide its input on three boundary options. The survey closed on January 13, 2025. Based on over 2,200 responses from the MVUSD community, Option 1 was the most preferred of the three presented.
Boundary Redistricting Kick-Off Presentation: August 27, 2024
Woolpert gave a presentation to the MVUSD Board highlighting the timeline of the boundary redistricting process at a Special Board Meeting held on August 27, 2024.
Boundary Redistricting Kick-Off Presentation
Redistricting Advisory Committee No. 1: October 7, 2024
The MVUSD Redistricting Advisory Committee and Woolpert met at 6:30 p.m. at the MVUSD District Office on October 7, 2024. Information regarding the purpose of the committee, background information driving the redistricting process, and results of the MVUSD Redistricting Criteria Survey were shared with the committee.
Redistricting Advisory Committee No. 1 Presentation
Redistricting Advisory Committee No. 2: October 21, 2024
The MVUSD Redistricting Advisory Committee and Woolpert met virtually at 6:30 p.m. on October 21, 2024. Woolpert shared conceptual boundary options prepared to align with the top two redistricting criteria expressed by the community in the MVUSD Redistricting Criteria Survey – proximity to schools and feeder patterns. Woolpert sought feedback from the committee on the conceptual options and assisted the committee in preparing an initial committee option. A second committee work session was held on October 30, 2024.
Redistricting Advisory Committee No. 2 Presentation
MVUSD Cabinet Meeting: November 5, 2024
Woolpert met the MVUSD administrative cabinet and school site principals at the MVUSD Office on November 5, 2024. The conceptual options, initial committee option, and an option prepared by MVUSD staff were presented at this meeting to give principals an opportunity to provide their feedback and insights for consideration in the redistricting process. The presentation given at this meeting is the same as that given at the Redistricting Advisory Committee No. 3 linked below.
Redistricting Advisory Committee No. 3: November 18, 2024
The MVUSD Redistricting Advisory Committee and Woolpert met virtually at 6:30 p.m. on November 18, 2024. Woolpert shared the conceptual options, the Redistricting Committee option, and the initial option prepared with MVUSD staff for comparison. Feedback from the site principals on these options was shared with the committee to either adjust the existing options or develop additional options to present to the public at community meetings to be held in the second week of December.
Redistricting Advisory Committee No. 3 Presentation
Community Meetings and Options Survey
Community Meetings were held at Vista Murrieta High School (December 10, 2024) and Thompson Middle School (December 11, 2024) where the official redistricting Options 1, 2, and 3 were unveiled to the public. The public was encourage to come out to the community meetings to review the official options, ask questions, and provide their own input. A survey was also deployed to seek the community’s opinion on the three official options. Lastly, an options locator was also made available to the public to allow the community to review and determine how they may be impacted by each option. The official options packets, locator, and survey may be accessed using the links below.
Redistricting Advisory Committee No. 4: January 13, 2025
The Redistricting Advisory Commitee met in person at the MVUSD district office at 6:30 p.m. on January 13, 2025. Woolpert shared the results of the options survey and led a work session to prepare the Redistricting Advisory Commitee’s boundary recommendation. Based on the results of the options survey, Option 1 was the most preferred by the MVUSD community and was used as the base in preparing the recommendation. The Redistricting Advisory Committee utilized localized survey results to then craft its recommendation.
MVUSD Board Meeting January 23, 2025
Woolpert and district administration presented the Redistricting Advisory Commitee’s boundary recommendations in a first reading at the Murrieta Valley Unified School District Board of Education meeting held on January 23, 2025. The MVUSD board was presented with the survey results of the options survey as well as the recommended elementary school and middle school boundaries. Each Board member was able to provide comments and questions on the recommendation before a final recommendation is presented at the MVUSD board meeting scheduled for February 13, 2025. At this meeting, it was directed that boundary changes to the high school attendance boundaries no longer be considered and that a final recommendation focus on proposed changes to the elementary school and middle school attendance boundaries only.
MVUSD Board Meeting February 13, 2025
District administration will present the recommended boundaries to the MVUSD Board at the February 13, 2025 Board Meeting. The meeting will be held at the District Support Center located at 41870 McAlby Court, Murrieta, CA 92562 and is scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. Please use the link below to view the boundary recommendation to be considered for approval.