Welcome to the Middletown City Schools K-6 Redistricting Process website. All information related to this process, including all materials and presentations, can be found in the resources section of this website.
Community Meeting: On December 3rd at 6 p.m., a community meeting will be held in the auditorium at Middletown High School. Prior to this meeting, a series of boundary options will be introduced, and community members will be asked to provide feedback about the options.
This meeting will be open-house style, and all community members are invited to attend. During this meeting, you will be able to review large maps, have conversations with the consultant and District representatives, and ask questions about the process and the boundary options.
Boundary Planning Criteria Survey Results Report: This report reviews the results of the initial boundary planning criteria survey. This survey asked respondents to choose their top 3 criteria (from a list of criteria that is typically used in a redistricting process), and provide additional feedback and questions about the process. The FAQ section of this website will be updated to incorporate the questions asked in the survey.