Welcome to the Oxnard Union High School District Attendance Area Adjustment Website. All information related to this process, including all materials and presentations, can be found in the resources section of this website.
On September 28, 2022, a preliminary boundary scenario was presented to the Board of Trustees (presentation). Please review the materials below prior to completing a survey. Your feedback will be used to create a recommendation.
On October 12, 2022, an updated preliminary boundary scenario was presented to the Board of Trustees (presentation). The updates to the scenario reflect the feedback that was received about the initial preliminary scenario. The community survey remains open, please consider providing feedback on the updated preliminary scenario.
On October 26, 2022, Cooperative Strategies presented the results of the community engagement process to the Board of Trustees (presentation). The Board approved the “Updated Preliminary Scenario” as the boundaries for the 23-24 school year and beyond.
The 2022-23 8th grade class (class of 2027) will be the only cohort expected to attend school using the new boundaries. Each year, a new 9th grade class will be added to the school. Current grade 8 students with older siblings still attending OUHSD will be able to request a “sibling transfer” if they are moved and do not wish to attend their new attendance area school.
OUHSD Approved High School Boundaries: 2023-24:

Please click here to view the school locator. This application will allow you to view which boundary your address falls within, both currently and in the 2023-24 Approved High School Boundaries.