Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the new boundaries go into effect?
The new boundaries will go into effect at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year (August 2024).
When does the District anticipate that a final decision will be made on redistricting and be communicated to parents?
The boundaries for the 2024-25 school year will be approved at the Board of Education’s February 20 board meeting. Families will receive communications throughout the process, and will be made aware of the final decision after it is approved by the Board.
How can I get involved?
Community meetings will be held throughout the day on February 1st. Community members are invited to come in and ask questions about the process and options and provide feedback. An online survey is available to those who are unable to attend the meetings.
Will the grade makeup of the schools change?
Yes. Each elementary (South Elementary, West Elementary, and the new elementary) will house grades K-4 starting in the 2024-25 school year.
Will housing developments and enrollment growth be considered when creating boundaries?
Yes. Both enrollment and housing projections will be considered in this process. Planning boundaries with longevity in mind is important.
Will the overall boundary of the district be changing?
No. If you currently reside within the Licking Heights Local Schools boundary, you will remain within the District. This process will only adjust the elementary boundary lines within the District. You can use the boundary locator tool to determine if your address is located within the Licking Heights Local School District.
Will this process only impact the elementary schools?
Yes. This process will only change the elementary school boundaries. The intermediate, middle, and high school will not be impacted. The preschool will not be impacted either; anyone residing in the District can register their student in the preschool program (space permitting).
How can the capacity of a building change from year to year?
The capacity of a school, or the number of students it can support, changes based on the programming within that building. The needs of the students within each school changes every year. This impacts the number of classrooms needed for special programming, which then impacts the number of students that the school can effectively educate. For example, a special education classroom can hold between 8 and 12 students, while a first through fourth grade classroom can hold 24-26 students. The more special education classrooms there are in a building, the fewer students that school can accommodate. Other examples of programs that use classrooms but cannot hold a full classroom load are Title 1, resource or intervention, and occupational/physical therapy.
Will any students be permitted to remain at their current school?
Where students end up for the 2024-25 school year is entirely based on the creation of the new elementary boundaries. Depending on the new boundaries created during this process, some students will remain at their current school; however, if students are assigned to a new building, they will be required to attend school in their newly assigned building.
What support will be given to kids who will need to change schools?
The district is aware that it will be difficult for students to attend school in another building. Our students share with us all the time that they love their school. The district will focus on providing transition and orientation programming for students who will be moving to a new school building because of the redistricting. Additionally, we will have multiple Open House opportunities for students in the fall to tour their school before the school year officially starts. Our District Office is open all year and staff will be available throughout the summer to assist families who may have questions during the transition.
Will teachers/staff be distributed amongst the schools? Or will the new elementary school have all new staff?
Current teachers and staff will be distributed amongst our three elementary schools. We have started the process of realigning staff, and current staff have completed preference surveys for the 2024-25 academic year. Staff will be distributed based on their desire, our district needs, and a balance in overall school staff experience. New staff will be hired as needed to fill new/open positions in both the new school and the existing elementary schools, which is the usual hiring process each year.